You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

870 lines
25 KiB

<view class="goods-sku-popup popup" catchtouchmove="true" :class="(value && complete) ? 'show' : 'none'"
<!-- 页面内容开始 -->
<view class="mask" @click="close('mask')"></view>
<!-- 页面开始 -->
<view class="layer attr-content" :style="'border-radius: '+borderRadius+'rpx '+borderRadius+'rpx 0 0;'">
<view class="specification-wrapper">
<scroll-view class="specification-wrapper-content" scroll-y="true">
<view class="specification-header">
<view class="specification-left">
<image class="product-img" :src="selectShop.image ? selectShop.image : goodsInfo[goodsThumbName]"
<view class="specification-right">
<view class="price-content" :style="'color: '+priceColor+' ;'">
<text class="sign">¥</text>
<text class="price">{{ (selectShop.price || defaultPrice) | priceFilter }}</text>
<view class="inventory">{{ stockText }}{{ selectShop[stockName] || defaultStock }}</view>
<view class="choose" v-show="goodsInfo[specListName] && goodsInfo[specListName][0].name !== defaultSingleSkuName">
<text v-if="!selectArr.every(val => val == '')">{{ selectArr.join(' ') }}</text>
<view class="specification-content">
<view v-show="goodsInfo[specListName][0].name !== defaultSingleSkuName" class="specification-item" v-for="(item, index1) in goodsInfo[specListName]" :key="index1">
<view class="item-title">{{ }}</view>
<view class="item-wrapper">
<view class="item-content" @tap="skuClick(item_value, index1, $event, index2)" v-for="(item_value, index2) in item.list"
:key="index2" :class="[item_value.ishow ? '' : 'noactived', subIndex[index1] == index2 ? 'actived' : '']"
:style="[item_value.ishow ? '' : disableStyle,
item_value.ishow ? btnStyle :'',
subIndex[index1] == index2 ? activedStyle : ''
{{ }}
<view style="display: flex;">
<view style="flex: 1;">
<text style="font-size: 26rpx; color: #333; line-height: 50rpx;">数量</text>
<view style="flex: 4;text-align: right;">
<number-box :min="minBuyNum" :max="maxBuyNum" :step="stepBuyNum" v-model="selectNum"
<view class="close" @click="close('close')" v-if="showClose">
<image class="close-item" :src="closeImage"></image>
<view class="btn-option">
<view class="btn-wrapper" v-if="outFoStock || mode == 4">
<view class="sure" style="color:#ffffff;background-color:#cccccc">{{ noStockText }}</view>
<view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 1">
<view class="sure add-cart" style="border-radius:38rpx 0rpx 0rpx 38rpx;" @click="addCart" :style="'color:'+addCartColor+';background:'+addCartBackgroundColor">{{ addCartText }}</view>
<view class="sure" style="border-radius:0rpx 38rpx 38rpx 0rpx;" @click="buyNow" :style="'color:'+buyNowColor+';background-color:'+buyNowBackgroundColor">{{ buyNowText }}</view>
<view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 2">
<view class="sure add-cart" @click="addCart" :style="'color:'+addCartColor+';background:'+addCartBackgroundColor">{{ addCartText }}</view>
<view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 3">
<view class="sure" @click="buyNow" :style="'color:'+buyNowColor+';background:'+buyNowBackgroundColor">{{ buyNowText }}</view>
<!-- 页面结束 -->
<!-- 页面内容结束 -->
import NumberBox from './number-box'
var that; // 当前页面对象
var vk; // 自定义函数集
export default {
name: 'GoodsSkuPopup',
components: {
props: {
// true 组件显示 false 组件隐藏
value: {
Type: Boolean,
default: false
// vk云函数路由模式参数开始-----------------------------------------------------------
// 商品id
goodsId: {
Type: String,
default: ""
// vk路由模式框架下的云函数地址
action: {
Type: String,
default: ""
// vk云函数路由模式参数结束-----------------------------------------------------------
// 该商品已抢完时的按钮文字
noStockText: {
Type: String,
default: "该商品已抢完"
// 库存文字
stockText: {
Type: String,
default: "库存"
// 商品表id的字段名
goodsIdName: {
Type: String,
default: "_id"
// sku表id的字段名
skuIdName: {
Type: String,
default: "_id"
// sku_list的字段名
skuListName: {
Type: String,
default: "sku_list"
// spec_list的字段名
specListName: {
Type: String,
default: "spec_list"
// stock的字段名
stockName: {
Type: String,
default: "stock"
// sku_name的字段名
skuName: {
Type: String,
default: "sku_name"
// sku组合路径的字段名
skuArrName: {
Type: String,
default: "sku_name_arr"
// 默认单规格时的规格组名称
defaultSingleSkuName: {
Type: String,
default: "默认"
// 模式 1:都显示 2:只显示购物车 3:只显示立即购买 4:显示缺货按钮 默认 1
mode: {
Type: Number,
default: 1
// 点击遮罩是否关闭组件 true 关闭 false 不关闭 默认true
maskCloseAble: {
Type: Boolean,
default: true
// 顶部圆角值
borderRadius: {
Type: [String, Number],
default: 0
// 商品缩略图字段名(未选择sku时)
goodsThumbName: {
Type: [String],
default: "goods_thumb"
// 最小购买数量
minBuyNum: {
Type: Number,
default: 1
// 最大购买数量
maxBuyNum: {
Type: Number,
default: 100000
// 每次点击后的数量
stepBuyNum: {
Type: Number,
default: 1
// 自定义获取商品信息的函数
customAction: {
Type: [Function],
default: null
// 价格的字体颜色
priceColor: {
Type: String,
default: "#fe560a"
// 立即购买按钮的文字
buyNowText: {
Type: String,
default: "立即购买"
// 立即购买按钮的字体颜色
buyNowColor: {
Type: String,
default: "#ffffff"
// 立即购买按钮的背景颜色
buyNowBackgroundColor: {
Type: String,
default: "linear-gradient(to right, $fuint-theme, $fuint-theme)"
// 加入购物车按钮的文字
addCartText: {
Type: String,
default: "加入购物车"
// 加入购物车按钮的字体颜色
addCartColor: {
Type: String,
default: "#ffffff"
// 加入购物车按钮的背景颜色
addCartBackgroundColor: {
Type: String,
default: "linear-gradient(to right, $fuint-theme, $fuint-theme)"
// 不可点击时,按钮的样式
disableStyle: {
Type: Object,
default: null
// 按钮点击时的样式
activedStyle: {
Type: Object,
default: null
// 按钮常态的样式
btnStyle: {
Type: Object,
default: null
// 是否显示右上角关闭按钮
showClose: {
Type: Boolean,
default: true
// 关闭按钮的图片地址
closeImage: {
Type: String,
default: "!!121022687.png"
// 默认库存数量 (未选择sku时)
defaultStock: {
Type: Number,
default: 0
// 默认显示的价格 (未选择sku时)
defaultPrice: {
Type: Number,
default: 0
data() {
return {
complete: false, // 组件是否加载完成
goodsInfo: {}, // 商品信息
isShow: false, // true 显示 false 隐藏
initKey: true, // 是否已初始化
shopItemInfo: {}, // 存放要和选中的值进行匹配的数据
selectArr: [], // 存放被选中的值
subIndex: [], // 是否选中 因为不确定是多规格还是单规格,所以这里定义数组来判断
selectShop: {}, // 存放最后选中的商品
selectNum: this.minBuyNum, // 选中数量
outFoStock: false, // 是否全部sku都缺货
mounted() {
that = this;
vk = that.vk;
if (that.value) {;
methods: {
// 初始化
init() {
// 清空之前的数据
that.selectArr = [];
that.subIndex = [];
that.selectShop = {};
that.selectNum = that.minBuyNum;
that.outFoStock = false;
that.shopItemInfo = {};
let specListName = that.specListName;
that.goodsInfo[specListName].map(item => {
that.checkItem(); // 计算sku里面规格形成路径
that.checkInpath(-1); // 传-1是为了不跳过循环
that.autoClickSku(); // 自动选择sku策略
// 使用vk路由模式框架获取商品信息
findGoodsInfo() {
if (typeof vk == "undefined") {
return false;
url: that.action,
title: '请求中...',
data: {
goods_id: that.goodsId
success(data) {
// 更新商品信息(库存、名称、图片)
updateGoodsInfo(goodsInfo) {
let skuListName = that.skuListName;
if (JSON.stringify(that.goodsInfo) === "{}" || that.goodsInfo[that.goodsIdName] !== goodsInfo[that.goodsIdName]) {
that.goodsInfo = goodsInfo;
that.initKey = true;
} else {
that.goodsInfo[skuListName] = goodsInfo[skuListName];
if (that.initKey) {
that.initKey = false;
// 更新选中sku的库存信息
let select_sku_info = that.getListItem(that.goodsInfo[skuListName], that.skuIdName, that.selectShop[that.skuIdName]);
Object.assign(that.selectShop, select_sku_info);
that.complete = true;
that.$emit("open", true);
that.$emit("input", true);
async open() {
let findGoodsInfoRun = true;
let skuListName = that.skuListName;
if (that.customAction && typeof(that.customAction) === 'function') {
let goodsInfo = await that.customAction();
if (goodsInfo && typeof goodsInfo == "object" && JSON.stringify(goodsInfo) != "{}") {
findGoodsInfoRun = false;
} else {
that.$emit("input", false);
return false;
} else {
if (findGoodsInfoRun) {
// 监听 - 弹出层收起
close(s) {
if (s == "close") {
that.$emit("input", false);
that.$emit("close", "close");
} else if (s == "mask") {
if (that.maskCloseAble) {
that.$emit("input", false);
that.$emit("close", "mask");
moveHandle() {
// sku按钮的点击事件
skuClick(value, index1, event, index2) {
if (value.ishow) {
if (that.selectArr[index1] != {
that.$set(that.selectArr, index1,;
that.$set(that.subIndex, index1, index2);
} else {
that.$set(that.selectArr, index1, '');
that.$set(that.subIndex, index1, -1);
// 如果全部选完
// 检测是否已经选完sku
checkSelectShop() {
// 如果全部选完
if (that.selectArr.every(item => item != '')) {
that.selectShop = that.shopItemInfo[that.selectArr];
that.selectNum = that.minBuyNum;
} else {
that.selectShop = {};
// 检查路径
checkInpath(clickIndex) {
let specListName = that.specListName;
let specList = that.goodsInfo[specListName];
for (let i = 0, len = specList.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i == clickIndex) {
let len2 = specList[i].list.length;
for (let j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
if (that.subIndex[i] != -1 && j == that.subIndex[i]) {
let choosed_copy = [...that.selectArr];
that.$set(choosed_copy, i, specList[i].list[j].name);
let choosed_copy2 = choosed_copy.filter(item => item !== '' && typeof item !== 'undefined');
if (that.shopItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(choosed_copy2)) {
specList[i].list[j].ishow = true;
} else {
specList[i].list[j].ishow = false;
that.$set(that.goodsInfo, specListName, specList);
// 计算sku里面规格形成路径
checkItem() {
let skuListName = that.skuListName;
// console.time('计算有多小种可选路径需要的时间是');
// 去除库存小于等于0的商品sku
let skuList = that.goodsInfo[skuListName];
let stockNum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < skuList.length; i++) {
if (skuList[i][that.stockName] <= 0) {
skuList.splice(i, 1);
} else {
stockNum += skuList[i][that.stockName];
if (stockNum <= 0) {
that.outFoStock = true;
// 计算有多小种可选路径
let result = skuList.reduce(
(arrs, items) => {
return arrs.concat(
(arr, item) => {
return arr.concat( => {
// 利用对象属性的唯一性实现二维数组去重
if (!that.shopItemInfo.hasOwnProperty([...item2, item])) {
that.shopItemInfo[[...item2, item]] = items;
return [...item2, item];
// 检测sku选项是否已全部选完,且有库存
checkSelectComplete(obj = {}) {
let selectShop = that.selectShop;
if (selectShop && selectShop[that.skuIdName] !== undefined) {
// 判断库存
if (that.selectNum <= selectShop[that.stockName]) {
if (typeof obj.success == "function") obj.success(selectShop);
} else {
that.toast(that.stockText + "不足", "none")
} else {
that.toast("请先选择对应规格", "none");
// 加入购物车
addCart() {
success: function(selectShop) {
selectShop.buy_num = that.selectNum;
that.$emit("add-cart", selectShop);
// 立即购买
buyNow() {
success: function(selectShop) {
selectShop.buy_num = that.selectNum;
that.$emit("buy-now", selectShop);
// 弹窗
toast(title, icon) {
title: title,
icon: icon
// 获取对象数组中的某一个item,根据指定的键值
getListItem(list, key, value) {
let item;
for (let i in list) {
if (typeof value == "object") {
if (JSON.stringify(list[i][key]) === JSON.stringify(value)) {
item = list[i];
} else {
if (list[i][key] === value) {
item = list[i];
return item;
// 自动选择sku前提是只有一组sku,默认自动选择最前面的有库存的sku
autoClickSku() {
let skuList = that.goodsInfo[that.skuListName];
let specListArr = that.goodsInfo[that.specListName];
if (specListArr.length == 1) {
let specList = specListArr[0].list;
for (let i = 0; i < specList.length; i++) {
let sku = that.getListItem(skuList, that.skuArrName, [specList[i].name]);
if (sku) {
that.skuClick(specList[i], 0, {}, i);
// 过滤器
filters: {
// 金额显示过滤器
priceFilter(n = 0) {
if (typeof n == "string") {
n = parseFloat(n)
return n ? n.toFixed(2) : n
// 计算属性
computed: {
watch: {
value: function(val) {
if (val) {;
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display: block;
clear: both;
margin-bottom: 60rpx;
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height: 180rpx;
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justify-content: flex-end;
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.price-content {
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margin-bottom: 10rpx;
.sign {
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margin-right: 4rpx;
.price {
font-size: 44rpx;
.inventory {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #525252;
margin-bottom: 14rpx;
.choose {
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color: #525252;
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&.buy {
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