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533 lines
15 KiB

<!-- 拼团商品详情 -->
<s-layout :onShareAppMessage="shareInfo" navbar="goods">
<!-- 标题栏 -->
<detailNavbar />
<!-- 骨架屏 -->
<detailSkeleton v-if="state.skeletonLoading" />
<!-- 下架/售罄提醒 -->
v-else-if="state.goodsInfo === null || state.activity.status !== 0 || state.activity.endTime < new Date().getTime()"
<block v-else>
<view class="detail-swiper-selector">
<!-- 商品图轮播 -->
<!-- 价格+标题 -->
<view class="title-card detail-card ss-m-y-14 ss-m-x-20 ss-p-x-20 ss-p-y-34">
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between ss-m-b-60">
<view class="price-box ss-flex ss-col-bottom ss-m-b-18">
<view class="price-text ss-m-r-16">
{{ fen2yuan(state.activity.price || state.goodsInfo.price) }}
<view class="tig ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="tig-icon ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-center">
<view class="groupon-tag">
<view class="tig-title">拼团价</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-row-between">
class="origin-price ss-flex ss-col-center"
<view class="origin-price-text">
{{ fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.price) }}
<view class="countdown-box" v-if=" > 0">
<view class="countdown-title ss-m-b-20">距结束仅剩</view>
<view class="ss-flex countdown-time">
<view class="ss-flex countdown-h">{{ endTime.h }}</view>
<view class="ss-m-x-4">:</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ endTime.m }}</view>
<view class="ss-m-x-4">:</view>
<view class="countdown-num ss-flex ss-row-center">{{ endTime.s }}</view>
<view class="countdown-title" v-else> 活动已结束 </view>
<view class="title-text ss-line-2 ss-m-b-6">{{ }}</view>
<view class="subtitle-text ss-line-1">{{ state.goodsInfo.introduction }}</view>
<!-- 功能卡片 -->
<view class="detail-cell-card detail-card ss-flex-col">
<!-- 规格 -->
<detail-cell-sku :sku="state.selectedSkuPrice" @tap="state.showSelectSku = true" />
<!-- 参团列表 -->
<groupon-card-list v-model="state.activity" @join="onJoinGroupon" />
<!-- 规格与数量弹框 -->
<!-- 评价 -->
<detail-comment-card class="detail-comment-selector" :goodsId="state.goodsId" />
<!-- 详情 -->
<detail-content-card class="detail-content-selector" :content="state.goodsInfo.description" />
<!-- 商品tabbar -->
<!-- TODO: 已售罄、预热 判断 设计-->
<detail-tabbar v-model="state.goodsInfo">
<view class="buy-box ss-flex ss-col-center ss-p-r-20">
class="ss-reset-button origin-price-btn ss-flex-col"
@tap="sheep.$router.go('/pages/goods/index', { id: })"
<view class="btn-price">{{ fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.marketPrice) }}</view>
class="ss-reset-button btn-tox ss-flex-col"
state.activity.status === 0 && state.goodsInfo.stock !== 0
? 'check-btn-box'
: 'disabled-btn-box'
:disabled="state.goodsInfo.stock === 0 || state.activity.status !== 0"
<view class="btn-price">{{ fen2yuan(state.activity.price || state.goodsInfo.price) }}</view>
<view v-if="state.activity.startTime > new Date().getTime()">未开始</view>
<view v-else-if="state.activity.endTime <= new Date().getTime()">已结束</view>
<view v-else>
<view v-if="state.goodsInfo.stock === 0"></view>
<view v-else></view>
<script setup>
import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import { onLoad, onPageScroll } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import detailNavbar from './components/detail/detail-navbar.vue';
import detailCellSku from './components/detail/detail-cell-sku.vue';
import detailTabbar from './components/detail/detail-tabbar.vue';
import detailSkeleton from './components/detail/detail-skeleton.vue';
import detailCommentCard from './components/detail/detail-comment-card.vue';
import detailContentCard from './components/detail/detail-content-card.vue';
import grouponCardList from './components/groupon/groupon-card-list.vue';
import {useDurationTime, formatGoodsSwiper, fen2yuan} from '@/sheep/hooks/useGoods';
import CombinationApi from "@/sheep/api/promotion/combination";
import SpuApi from "@/sheep/api/product/spu";
const headerBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/groupon-bg.png');
const btnBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/groupon-btn.png');
const disabledBtnBg = sheep.$url.css(
const grouponBg = sheep.$url.css('/static/img/shop/goods/groupon-tip-bg.png');
onPageScroll(() => {});
const state = reactive({
skeletonLoading: true, // 骨架屏
goodsId: 0, // 商品ID
goodsInfo: {}, // 商品信息
goodsSwiper: [], // 商品轮播图
showSelectSku: false, // 显示规格弹框
selectedSkuPrice: {}, // 选中的规格价格
activity: {}, // 团购活动
grouponId: 0, // 团购ID
grouponNum: 0, // 团购人数
grouponAction: 'create', // 团购操作
combinationHeadId: null, // 拼团团长编号
// 倒计时
const endTime = computed(() => {
return useDurationTime(state.activity.endTime);
// 规格变更
function onSkuChange(e) {
state.selectedSkuPrice = e;
function onSkuClose() {
state.showSelectSku = false;
// 发起拼团
function onCreateGroupon() {
state.grouponAction = 'create';
state.grouponId = 0;
state.showSelectSku = true;
* 去参团
* @param record 团长的团购记录
function onJoinGroupon(record) {
state.grouponAction = 'join';
state.grouponId = record.activityId;
state.combinationHeadId =;
state.grouponNum = record.userSize;
state.showSelectSku = true;
// 立即购买
function onBuy(sku) {
sheep.$router.go('/pages/order/confirm', {
data: JSON.stringify({
order_type: 'goods',
combinationHeadId: state.combinationHeadId,
items: [
count: sku.count,
// 分享信息
// TODO @芋艿:分享的接入
const shareInfo = computed(() => {
if (isEmpty(state.activity)) return {};
return sheep.$platform.share.getShareInfo(
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.picUrl),
params: {
page: '3',
type: 'goods', // 商品海报
title:, // 商品标题
image: sheep.$url.cdn(state.goodsInfo.picUrl), // 商品主图
price: fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.price), // 商品价格
marketPrice: fen2yuan(state.goodsInfo.marketPrice), // 商品原价
onLoad(async (options) => {
// 非法参数
if (! {
state.goodsInfo = null;
state.grouponId =;
// 加载活动信息
const { code, data: activity } = await CombinationApi.getCombinationActivity(state.grouponId);
state.activity = activity;
// 加载商品信息
const { data: spu } = await SpuApi.getSpuDetail(activity.spuId);
state.goodsId =;
activity.products.forEach(product => {
spu.price = Math.min(spu.price, product.combinationPrice); // 设置 SPU 的最低价格
// 关闭骨架屏
state.skeletonLoading = false;
if (code === 0) {
state.goodsInfo = spu;
state.grouponNum = activity.userSize;
state.goodsSwiper = formatGoodsSwiper(state.goodsInfo.sliderPicUrls);
} else {
// 未找到商品
state.goodsInfo = null;
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