You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3.2 KiB

3 months ago
<!-- 基础组件搜索框 -->
<s-search-block v-if="type === 'SearchBar'" :data="data" :styles="styles" :navbar="false" />
<!-- 基础组件公告栏 -->
<s-notice-block v-if="type === 'NoticeBar'" :data="data" />
<!-- 基础组件菜单导航 -->
<s-menu-button v-if="type === 'MenuSwiper'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 基础组件列表导航 -->
<s-menu-list v-if="type === 'MenuList'" :data="data" />
<!-- 基础组件宫格导航 -->
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<!-- 基础组件弹窗广告 -->
<s-popup-image v-if="type === 'Popover'" :data="data" />
<!-- 基础组件悬浮按钮 -->
<s-float-menu v-if="type === 'FloatingActionButton'" :data="data" />
<!-- 图文组件图片展示 -->
<s-image-block v-if="type === 'ImageBar'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 图文组件图片轮播 -->
<s-image-banner v-if="type === 'Carousel'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 基础组件标题栏 -->
<s-title-block v-if="type === 'TitleBar'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 图文组件广告魔方 -->
<s-image-cube v-if="type === 'MagicCube'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 图文组件视频播放 -->
<s-video-block v-if="type === 'VideoPlayer'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 基础组件分割线 -->
<s-line-block v-if="type === 'Divider'" :data="data" />
<!-- 图文组件热区 -->
<s-hotzone-block v-if="type === 'HotZone'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 商品组件商品卡片 -->
<s-goods-card v-if="type === 'ProductCard'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 商品组件商品栏 -->
<s-goods-shelves v-if="type === 'ProductList'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 营销组件拼团 -->
<s-groupon-block v-if="type === 'PromotionCombination'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 营销组件秒杀 -->
<s-seckill-block v-if="type === 'PromotionSeckill'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 营销组件小程序直播暂时没有这个功能 -->
<s-live-block v-if="type === 'MpLive'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 营销组件优惠券 -->
<s-coupon-block v-if="type === 'CouponCard'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 营销组件文章 -->
<s-richtext-block v-if="type === 'PromotionArticle'" :data="data" :styles="styles" />
<!-- 用户组件用户卡片 -->
<s-user-card v-if="type === 'UserCard'" />
<!-- 用户组件用户订单 -->
<s-order-card v-if="type === 'UserOrder'" :data="data" />
<!-- 用户组件用户资产 -->
<s-wallet-card v-if="type === 'UserWallet'" />
<!-- 用户组件用户卡券 -->
<s-coupon-card v-if="type === 'UserCoupon'" />
<script setup>
* 装修组件 - 组件集
const props = defineProps({
type: {
type: String,
default: '',
data: {
type: Object,
default() {},
styles: {
type: Object,
default() {},
function onSearch() {}