You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

525 lines
15 KiB

4 months ago
<view class="grade-popup popup" catchtouchmove="true" :class="(value && complete) ? 'show' : 'none'"
<view class="mask" @click="close('mask')"></view>
<!-- 要购买的等级信息确认 start -->
<view v-if="!isShowPay" class="layer attr-content" :style="'border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 0 0;'">
<view class="specification-wrapper">
<scroll-view class="specification-wrapper-content" scroll-y="true">
<view class="specification-header">
<view class="specification-name"><text class="price" v-if="memberGrade.catchValue > 0">{{ memberGrade.catchValue }}</text>{{ }}</view>
<view class="specification-content">
<view class="grade-item" v-if=" > 0">
<view class="item-rule"><view class="title">买单折扣</view>{{ }}</view>
<view class="grade-item" v-if="memberGrade.speedPoint > 0">
<view class="item-rule"><view class="title">积分加速</view>{{ memberGrade.speedPoint }}</view>
<view class="grade-item">
<view class="item-rule">
<view class="title">有效期限</view>
<text v-if="memberGrade.validDay > 0">{{ memberGrade.validDay }}</text>
<text v-else></text>
<view class="grade-description">
<view class="item-rule">
<view class="title">权益说明</view>
<view>{{ memberGrade.userPrivilege ? memberGrade.userPrivilege : '暂无'}}</view>
<view class="close" @click="close('close')" v-if="showClose">
<image class="close-item" :src="closeImage"></image>
<view class="btn-wrapper">
<view class="sure" @click="buyNow"></view>
<!-- 页面结束 -->
<!-- 要购买的等级信息确认 end -->
<!-- 支付信息确认 start -->
<view class="confirm" v-if="isShowPay">
<view class="layer attr-content" :style="'border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 0 0;'">
<view class="specification-wrapper">
<scroll-view class="specification-wrapper-content" scroll-y="true">
<view class="specification-header">
<view class="specification-name">支付确认</view>
<view class="specification-content">
<view v-if="couponInfo && couponInfo.amount" class="pay-item">
<view class="item-point">
<view class="title" @click="doUseCoupon">
<text v-if="useCoupon" class="iconfont is-use icon-success"></text>
<text v-if="!useCoupon" class="iconfont icon-success"></text>
<text class="point-amount">使用卡券抵扣</text>
<text class="amount">{{ couponInfo.amount }}</text>
<view class="pay-item">
<view class="item-amount">
<view class="title">
实付金额<text class="amount">{{ ((parseFloat(memberGrade.catchValue) - parseFloat(useCouponInfo.amount)) >= 0 ? (parseFloat(memberGrade.catchValue) - parseFloat(useCouponInfo.amount)) : 0.0.toFixed(2)) }}</text>
<view class="close" @click="close('close')" v-if="showClose">
<image class="close-item" :src="closeImage"></image>
<view class="btn-wrapper">
<view class="sure" @click="doBuy"></view>
<!-- 页面结束 -->
<!-- 支付信息确认 end -->
import * as SettlementApi from '@/api/settlement'
import PayTypeEnum from '@/common/enum/order/PayType'
import { wxPayment } from '@/utils/app'
var that; // 当前页面对象
var vk; // 自定义函数集
export default {
name: 'GradePopup',
props: {
// true 组件显示 false 组件隐藏
value: {
Type: Boolean,
default: false
// vk云函数路由模式参数开始-----------------------------------------------------------
// 等级信息
memberGrade: {
Type: Object,
default: {}
// vk云函数路由模式参数结束-----------------------------------------------------------
// 点击遮罩是否关闭组件 true 关闭 false 不关闭 默认true
maskCloseAble: {
Type: Boolean,
default: true
// 是否显示右上角关闭按钮
showClose: {
Type: Boolean,
default: true
// 关闭按钮的图片地址
closeImage: {
Type: String,
default: "!!121022687.png"
data() {
return {
complete: false, // 组件是否加载完成
isShowPay: false, // true 显示 false 隐藏
useCoupon: true, // 是否使用卡券
useCouponInfo: { amount: 0, id: '' }, // 使用的卡券
couponInfo: null // 可用卡券
mounted() {
that = this;
methods: {
async open() {
that.complete = true;
that.$emit("open", true);
that.$emit("input", true);
// 监听 - 弹出层收起
close(s) {
if (s == "close") {
that.$emit("input", false);
that.$emit("close", "close");
that.isShowPay = false;
that.useCoupon = true;
} else if (s == "mask") {
if (that.maskCloseAble) {
that.$emit("input", false);
that.$emit("close", "mask");
moveHandle() {
// 立即购买
buyNow() {
// 是否使用卡券
doUseCoupon() {
if (this.useCoupon) {
this.useCoupon = false;
this.useCouponInfo = { amount: 0, id: '' };
} else {
this.useCoupon = true;
this.useCouponInfo = this.couponInfo;
// 确认购买
doBuy() {
const app = this
let couponId = "";
if (app.useCoupon) {
couponId = app.couponInfo ? app.couponInfo.userCouponId : 0;
// 请求api
SettlementApi.submit(, "", "member", "", "", 0, couponId, "", 0, 0, 0, "", "JSAPI")
.then(result => app.onSubmitCallback(result))
.catch(err => {
if (err.result) {
const errData =
if (errData) {
return false
// 支付前查询
prePay() {
const app = this
// 请求api
SettlementApi.prePay({ type: 'memberGrade' })
.then(result => {
if ( {
if ( {
app.couponInfo =;
if (app.useCoupon) {
app.useCouponInfo = app.couponInfo;
app.isShowPay = true;
.catch(err => {
if (err.result) {
const errData =;
if (errData) {
return false;
// 订单提交成功后回调
onSubmitCallback(result) {
const app = this
// 微信支付
if ( == PayTypeEnum.WECHAT.value) {
.then(() => {
title: '支付结果',
content: '支付成功',
showCancel: false,
success(o) {
if (o.confirm) {
.catch(err => app.$error('支付失败'))
.finally(() => {
// 余额支付
if ( == PayTypeEnum.BALANCE.value) {
// 弹窗
toast(title, icon) {
title: title,
icon: icon
watch: {
value: function(val) {
if (val) {;
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animation: showPopup 0.2s linear both;
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animation: showLayer 0.2s linear both;
&.hide {
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animation: hidePopup 0.2s linear both;
.layer {
animation: hideLayer 0.2s linear both;
&.none {
display: none;
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position: fixed;
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.specification-header {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 40rpx;
text-align: center;
.specification-name {
.price {
color: #f03c3c;
font-weight: bold;
width: 100%;
font-size: 30rpx;
padding: 10rpx;
.specification-content {
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 26rpx;
.grade-item {
.title {
font-weight: bold;
display: flex;
float: left;
display: flex;
height: 100rpx;
.item-rule {
padding: 20rpx;
border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
.grade-description {
margin-top: 20rpx;
padding: 20rpx;
min-height: 100rpx;
.title {
font-weight: bold;
.pay-item {
padding: 30rpx;
font-size: 30rpx;
background: #fff;
border: 1rpx solid $fuint-theme;
border-radius: 8rpx;
color: #888;
margin-bottom: 12rpx;
text-align: center;
.amount {
color: #f03c3c;
font-weight: bold;
.iconfont {
margin-right: 10rpx;
.is-use {
color: $fuint-theme
.item-left_icon {
margin-right: 20rpx;
font-size: 48rpx;
&.wechat {
color: #00c800;
&.balance {
color: $fuint-theme;
.close {
position: absolute;
top: 30rpx;
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height: 50rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 50rpx;
.close-item {
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height: 40rpx;
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display: flex;
width: 100%;
height: 120rpx;
flex: 0 0 120rpx;
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margin-bottom: 120rpx;
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font-size: 28rpx;
&.add-cart {
background: #ffbe46;
&.buy {
background: #fe560a;
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text-align: center;
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font-size: 28rpx;
background:linear-gradient(to right, #f9211c, #ff6335)
.sure.add-cart {
background: $fuint-theme;
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opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
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opacity: 1;
100% {
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0% {
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100% {
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0% {
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